In this document we will go over purchase postage defaults settings of WooCommerce shipping plugin and talk about what they control and when you might want to change them.

Shipment Description #
This value is used in customs declaration as a default detailed description of the contents of the shipment. It is better to avoid any generic terms and use as descriptive description as possible.
It is then used for international orders in shipment creation form and can be overwritten there:

and in the bulk orders shipment details form:

Contents #
This is value should be set to one of the pre-defined by the carrier types of the content and it is used for customs declaration.
Typical values are Merchandise, Returned Goods and Gift:

It is then used for international orders in shipment creation form and can be overwritten there:

Country of Origin #
This value will be used as a default country of origin for each of the order items in the customs declaration for international orders.
It can be overwritten in the order details when creating a shipment:

Domestic Service #
This value defines which service should be used by default for domestic shipments when purchasing a postage.
if you have Require to Get A Quote step enabled in the Postage Purchase Workflow then this value can be overwritten before shipment will be created.
This value will be used by default in the Bulk Order Details form and can be changed for the selected orders.

International Service #
This value defines which service should be used by default for international shipments when purchasing a postage.
if you have Require to Get A Quote step enabled in the Postage Purchase Workflow then this value can be overwritten before shipment will be created.
This value will be used by default in the Bulk Order Details form and can be changed for the selected orders.